Warning - this story contains scenes of a graphic nature. Please use your discretion wisely. Major Catherine whumping.
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by someone else (i.e not me, unfortunately). Hopefully, no copyrights were breached
in my making of this fic (I didn't mean to!) and I made no money doing this whatsoever. This is purely for my entertainment,
instead of studying!
A night of peace and quiet. Catherine sighed as she sank into the squidgy sofa in her living room, kicking off her boots
and allowing herself to relax for the first time in what seemed like days. Peace and quiet. Lindsey was away at camp for
the weekend, and Catherine was ready to appreciate a relaxing night when the doorbell rang. Peace and quiet..famous last
Grumbling to herself, she rose to get it. She was about to open it when she looked through the peephole, and her hand
stopped, frozen on the doorknob. It was Eddie, looking drunk - well, more drunk than usual - and more than pissed off. Cursing
herself for jinxing her good luck, she took a deep breath, slid the chain through the latch, and gingerly opened the door.
She could handle this. She'd done it before.
This time proved to be different. As soon as Catherine caught sight of the look on Eddie's face, she knew something wasn't
right. Eddie spoke after a few moments, his words slurring as they rolled off his thick tongue. He smelled like musty alcohol
and sex, a permanent odour he carried which Catherine had only noticed after the divorce.
All of a sudden, he lunged for the door, sticking his hand through the glass. Catherine jumped, the glass shattering
and landing in small crystals all over the floor.
"What do you want, Eddie?" she asked, trying to keep her voice stern, but failing miserably.
"I wan'you to pay f'what you did t'me," he shouted, and started kicking the door.
"What do you mean, for God's sake?"
Catherine knew it didn't matter - he always got angry when he was drunk. She stood frozen for a moment before running
and getting her service weapon from her jacket: Eddie meant business, and she couldnt take any chances. Before she could
reach her coat, however, she heard the door give and Eddie come flying in. For someone steaming drunk, he didn't do badly
keeping his balance, and soon was running through into Catherine's small living room. This time, she screamed.
Catherine barely managed to make it to the bathroom before she threw up. Her head hurt like hell, and she couldn't breathe.
Probably a broken rib, she thought, grimly. She wheezed as she tried to lower herself to the floor, a blinding miasma of
black and white dots obscuring her vision. Her left arm was pressed tightly against her side, blood running down it and soaking
into her ripped shirt. She was at the point of passing into blissful unconsciousness when she heard the front door bang open.
God, no, she thought, thinking Eddie was back for more. Instead, she heard a shocked gasp as a pair of boots crushed
the glass on the floor. The footsteps were light, too light to be Eddie's, and the pace was even. Who was there?
Oh, God.
"Catherine? Are you there?"
On to Chapter 2...